Sifilis congenita mexico pdf scielo

Syphilis is a complex disease caused by bacteria, characterized by a wide variety of clinical presentations, which have earned the name of the great imitator or the great impostor. Congenital syphilis prevalence in three public hospitals in baja california, mexico, 20122015 jorge luis arellanoestrada, msp 1 cinthia selene lopezlara, msp 1. Actualizacion en sifilis congenita temprana scielo. Syphilis is an infectious disease transmitted through sex or vertically during pregnancy. Congenital syphilis and syphilis during pregnacy scielo. Gestational syphilis and associated factors in public hospitals of peru during 20002010. Acquired syphilis may be reemerging in our country among young men. Isbn 9788580846034 anais eletronico viiii ieeppcccc a eee nnccoonnttrroo iinntteer rnaacciioonnall dde pprroodduuccaaoo cciieennttiifficcaa cceessuummaar. Using the descriptors congenital syphilis, prevalence and nursing care, were included in articles in the portuguese language and with temporal dimension from 2012 to 2016.

Aguascalientes, distrito federal, durango, mexico, oaxaca, puebla, quintana roo, yucatan and zacatecas reported that syphilis increased during the study period. Mexico, oaxaca, puebla, quintana roo, yucatan and zacatecas reported that syphilis increased during the study period. The highest incidence of acquired syphilis was reported in the last two years. Estimar a incidencia da sifilis congenita e identificar sua relacao com a cobertura da estrategia saude da familia.

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